Laurene Powell Jobs – Net Worth

Laurene Powell Jobs is an American businesswoman, philanthropist, and widow of Apple co-founder Steve Jobs, we look at her net worth.

Mackenzie Scott – Net Worth

MacKenzie Scott is an American novelist, philanthropist, and ex-wife of Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, today we look at her net worth.

Carlos Slim – Net Worth

Carlos Slim is a Mexican business magnate and philanthropist and one of the world’s richest individuals, today we look at his net worth.

Tim Cook – Net Worth

Tim Cook is the CEO of Apple Inc., succeeding Steve Jobs, today we look at his net worth and lifestyle.

Vince McMahon Net Worth

Vince McMahon is a businessman and professional wrestling promoter, best known as the chairman and CEO of WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment). He is also a former commentator, ring announcer, and…