STAR Network Cryptocurrency Could Be BIGGER Than Pi Network

The Star Network mobile cryptocurrency mining platform just crossed 2 million users and its launch could be bigger than Pi Network.

Download STAR NETWORK today for Apple or Google Phones!

Use Invite code Videllopro to get access to the mining features, games, portal and more!

What is Star Network?

Star network is a popular cryptocurrency mining app which is downloadable form both the Google App Store and Apple App Store designed by Big Leap LTD.

The app features decentralized finance, social network and mobile game features for you to earn, trade, social and play with the global community.

You can now hold and initiate P2P transactions with your Star balance as well as growing your balance with staking features.

All you need is a mobile phone and internet connection and yourself, being a real person who can pass KYC when asked.

Users can mine faster by referring their friends and family with the mining rate decreasing similar to Bitcoin and Pi Network as user milestones are reached.

Why is Star Network So Popular?

star Network Cryptocurrency Could Be BIGGER Than Pi Network

One of the reasons the app is so popular, is that the development team have been so good with both the apps design and roadmap for the token.

Several halvings have already taken place and a number of interesting features have been added into the app to keep users engaged .

Users can link their Facebook accounts, e-mail accounts and even their Google accounts through the app and it features Face and Touch ID for payments and comes with a payment passcode to stop people from stealing your tokens.

Is Star Network FREE?

star Network Cryptocurrency Could Be BIGGER Than Pi Network

Yes! Star Network is completely FREE to mine and the app will never ask you to enter any payment details.

Users cannot sign up without an invite code from another user, so make sure to download the app today from your phones app store and use the code Videllopro to get access to all the features!

The network has a fantastic dev team and they have a number of platforms for you to follow including FacebookInstagram, YouTube, Website and Twitter.

Whats The Other Star Network Features?

star Network Cryptocurrency Could Be BIGGER Than Pi Network

Star Network has many other features built into the app and these are growing all the time.

Features of the built-n wallet include staking, transfers, deposits and withdrawals with the app also featuring a scan, pay and My paycode setting.

Next, the dev team have implimented a play to earn gaming center where users can play various games, completely free to boost their mining rate and win free tokens.

The app features a nominal balance and realized balance with the latter being unlocked via a draw system called Libra and can be drawn once every 12–16 hours.

Power-up draws for mining are also available and can be used once every 10 hours on average.

Is Star Network Not a Scam??

star Network Cryptocurrency Could Be BIGGER Than Pi Network

No, Star Network is not a scam, it is a popular cell phone mining application that is not only free, but also has over 2 million users!

Several other cryptocurrency app’s like Star Network exist including Pi Network with 33 Million users and BEE Network with over 10 million users.

The app has had over 27,467 five star and four star ratings on the Google Play Store alone and is one of the most popular apps on the site.

Star Network Price Prediction?

star Network Cryptocurrency Could Be BIGGER Than Pi Network

While its far to early to guess exactly what price the Star Network coins will be worth, some people have already begun to put put an estimated price on them.

Several popular Cryptocurrecny YouTube Channels have posted videos claiming they know the future price of the tokens.

Estimates for the tokens range from $1 to $8 and some estimates have put the tokensd as high as $50 with the incredible increase in users.

One VERY interesting fact that has just been revealed on the network’s twitter page, is that the supply of tokens for minting will be just 50 BILLION, two times less than Pi Network’s 100 Billion.

This means the tokens could be worth more overall once they hit centralized and de-centralized exchanges.



star Network Cryptocurrency Could Be BIGGER Than Pi Network

Thanks for reading this article on the STAR Network Cryptocurrency and how its launch could be bigger than Pi Network, please throw us a clap if it has helped you find this token, remember this is not financial advice and check out our YouTube channel above!

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