10 Expensive Things Owned By President Cyril Ramaphosa

We take a look at 10 expensive things owned and used by current South African President Cyril Ramaphosa and delve into his rich lifestyle.

Inside The Billionaire Lifestyle of Kim Yo Jong, Kim Jong Un’s Sister

Today we go Inside The Billionaire Lifestyle of Kim Yo Jong, Kim Jong Un’s famous Sister and look at 10 expensive things she owns.

10 Expensive Things Owned By Billionaire Bernard Arnault

Vidello Productions is taking a look at 10 Expensive Things Owned By Billionaire Bernard Arnault and his $37.5 Billion Dollar lifestyle. 10. Le Cheval Blanc Hotel This amazing hotel comprises…

10 Expensive Things Associated with the Pope

Today Vidello Productions is taking at 10 expensive things associated with His Holiness Pope Francis. 10. White & Gold Lamborghini Huracan Before you ask, NO, Pope Francis did not go…

Inside The Billionaire Lifestyle of Patrice Motsepe

Currently one of the richest individuals in South Africa, he now controls a fortune in excess of $3 billion dollars, owns one of the largest and most expensive homes in…

Top 50 Expensive Things Owned By Millionaire Celebrity’s

These Millionaire Hollywood Celebrity’s have it all and today, we look at the Top 50 Expensive Things some of them own including millionaire Yachts, Private Planes, expensive mansions and MORE!…

12 Expensive Things Owned By President Uhuru Kenyatta

President Uhuru Kenyatta has an estimated net worth of around $500 Million Dollars, today Vidello Productions is taking a look at 12 Expensive things he owns! 12. Caledonia Estate Home Shrouded in…

12 Expensive Things Owned By President Uhuru Kenyatta

President Uhuru Kenyatta has an estimated net worth of around $500 Million Dollars, today Vidello Productions is taking a look at 12 Expensive things he owns! Remember to subscribe to Vidello Productions…

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