15 Abandoned Millionaire Super Mansions of 2021

Creepy, desolate and mysterious, these abandoned millionaire mansions once housed the super rich of society, today we look at 15 Abandoned Millionaire Super Mansions of 2021.

15. Selma Mansion, Leesburg, USA

Sitting on 212 acres this plantation home dates back to the 1700’s and was rebuilt in 1902 by Elijah Brokenborough White who hired some of the most skilled people at the time.

Breeding racehorses became quite a passion for Elijah white and he had one of the worlds first intercom systems installed in the 20 room house.

Jane Elizebeth inherited the home after White’s death in 1970 and when she died at the property in 1975 it passed onto the Epperson family.

Changing hands again in 1999, the home passed to Dutch businessman Peter Maaten who left the property abandoned and it began to fall into disrepair.

Designated one of Virginia’s most historic, Selma Mansion was on the endangered sites list for over seven years.

The mansion is now undergoing a multi-million pound restoration thanks to a $1.2 million dollar aquisition by Sharon Virts and husband Scott Miller breathing life into this historic site once more!

14. Arlington Abandoned Mansion

Located in Natchez, Mississippi, this home has been described as one of the most important in the area, having fallen into diss-repair in 1867.

The mansion stands on 55 acres of unkept land and was aquired by a local sheriff in the early 1800’s later sold to real estate spector Jonathan Thompson in 1814.

The scene of a tragic death in 1819, its creator, John Hampton White died in a yellow fever epidemic and the great home now stands forlorn and the great entrance lies in ruins.

A far cry from being owned by one of the areas richest families, the sweeping central hall is full of rotting wooden planks and many treasures in the home were passed from owner to owner as they died.

The home was once known to have had a foridable library and no expense was spared with regards to decorating the opulent space.

The staircase once featured a grand marble archway, yet today lies in rack and ruin while in 2002 a devestating fire ripped through the property and most of the upper floor and roof were destroyed.

Today the mansion lies a ruin, a shadow of its former self, decaying and rotting while legal action by the state is on-going to try and restore the home to its former glory.

13. Darul Aman Palace, Kabul, Afghanistan

One of the largest abandoned buldings in Afghanistan, Darul Aman Palace is located about 16 kilometres south-west outside of the center of Kabul.

The palace began to take shape in early 1923 and even had its own railway line with 22 architects and builders coming from France and Germany to build the palace.

One of the first buildings in the country to feature running water, the palace was gutted by fire in 1968 and after restoration, was used by the Ministry of Defence beteen 1970 and 1980.

The palace came under attack in 2012 by Taliban Forces and after a plan to convert the bulding into a parliment for a future government fell through, it fell into severe diss-repair

In 2016, work began on a restoration project for the palace to return it to its former glory.

12. Lynnewood Hall, Pennsylvania

Built in 1897, Lynnewood Hall was built by architect Horace Trumbauer for industrialist Peter A.B. Widener and is falling to bits.

Currently one of the largest abandoned structures still standing in Pennsylvania, the stately home is owned by the First Korean Church of New York.

The whole site covers 110 rooms and sits on 34 acres while it is thought to be on the market for a price tag of close to $15.9 million dollars.

11. Villa de Vecchi, Italy

Commissioned by Count Felix de Vecchi this 19th century property sits in the mountains above lake Como and has a sad rather sad story.

Alessandro Sidoli was the man responsible for construction of this incredible home, however he died one year before the home was completed.

One day, Count Felix returned home to find his wife had been murdered and his daughter was missing, and he later commited suicide while searching for his daughter.

The mansion has now been abandoned for decades after it passed to his brother.

10. Sans-Souci Palace, Haiti

Located in the town of Milot, this was the official principal royal residence of Henry I, king of Haiti and was built between 1810 and 1813.

The residence accomodated the whole royal family along with their royal staff and advisors and was one of nine palaces comissioned by the king.

Many laborurs died during the palaces construction and the palace was often the site of opulant feasts and dances.

The immense gardens had artificial springs, waterworks and although now lies a complete ruin, it is often visited by international tourists.

King Henry I committed suicide on the grounds of the palace on October 8, 1820, shooting himself with a silver bullet and in 1842 a severe earthquake destroyed much of the building.

The remains were designated a UNESCO world heritage site in 1982 and was described as one of the most remarkable attractions in the western hemisphere.

9. Chaonei №81, Beijing, China

Completed in 1910 and reportedly built by the Imperial Qing family, Chaonei №81 was used as a church for imperial residents of Bejing.

After the communists were victorious in 1949, a high ranking official living at the home was said to have deserted his wife and fled to taiwan.

She is reported to have commited suicide in the roof of the home and is believed to have haunted the property, which has been abandoned to this day, ever since.

The home has become somewhat of a tourist attraction within the city and is open most days for visitors even though it is not on the official chinese tourist trap lists.

8. Sunninghill Park, Berkshire

Gifted the Duke and Duchess of York, this 665-acre parcel of land on the Sunninghill Park Estate in Berkshire was spared no expense by Queen Elizabeth.

The 12 bedroom mansion was built on the site and other construction sites were commissioned including several reception rooms, a swimming pool and a horse stables.

Construction began in 1987 and completed in 1990 with the property gaining the interesting nickname of Southyork.

After the couples marrige broke down, they parted ways and the property was sold in 2007 to Kazakhstani investor Kenes Rakishev for $19 million.

7. Elda Castle, New York

Commissioned by Edith Wharton’s aunt in 1853 this massive mansion featured 24 rooms and had quite an impact on the surrounding suberbs.

The mansion was abandoned in the 1950’s and was later purchased for $120,000 dollars in a 2016 auction that was listed as a 9 bedroom abandoned mansion.

The home, which once featured a tiffany skylight now stands in ruins and entire parts of the home have fallen down with one whole side completely missing.

6. Halcyon Hall, New York

Featuring over 200 rooms this massive structure was once a luxury hotel and was built in 1893 and later became the Bennett womens College.

The college went bankrupt in 1978 and closed its doors for good, being left abandoned for over 38 years before it was purchased in 2016.

The new owners had planned to turn part of the 27.5 acre site into a park and rip most of the delapodated structure down, however this never came to pass and today the structure remains crumbling into the ground.

5. Mayfield House, Ireland

Located in Portlaw, County Waterford, Ireland, this magnificent stately home was built in the early 1740’s and was the family home of local corn and cotton magnates the Malcolmson’s

In 1847, several upgrades were mae to the home after deaths in the family and Arrchitect, William Tinsley was responsible for upgrading the entire exterior of the property.

The tannery close to the house closed in 1985 and there was no longer a need for the home which quickly fell into dissrepair

It has remained this way for the last 35 years and almost none of the original interior remains with the italian style mansion slowly crumbling away.

4. Liu Family Mansion, Taiwan

Built in 1929, this large mansion was occupied by the Liu family, they are reported to have abandoned it in the 1950’s after a strange haunting incident.

One of the maids who worked at the property reportedly threw herself down a well on the property after becoming heartbroken over a relationship.

This is not the only story as to why the property is derilict, however, and word has it that the ghosts of several imperial army soldiers who died on the site are also present.

3. Wyckoff Villa, New York

Located on an island in in upstate New York’s St. Lawrence River, Wyckoff Villa was built for William Wyckoff in 1894 after he made his fortune selling typewriters.

His wife passed away from cancer and he died a month later after just his first night in the home which was left to his son but remained abandoned for 6 decades.

2. Bamboo Palace, Democratic Republic of Congo

Billionaire leaders dont always survive there reigns and the same can be said for Mobutu Sese Seko who spent over $100 million dollars on this lavish palace.

Nicknamed the “Versailles in the Jungle” this massive palace was built in the 1970’s and included three luxurious residences that included paintings by Monet and Renoir.

The palace had its own airport, nightclub, five star hotel, numerous swimming pools and even boasted a replica of China’s Forbidden Palace.

Having embezzeled $15 billion dollars, Seko was deposed in 1997 and fled to Morocco, leaving the palace abandoned and crumbling into the ground.

After the palace was looted and burned, the jungle has now reclaimed the once grand structure.

1. Château Miranda, Belgium

Built in 1866 for the Liedekerke-Beaufort family, this massive home stayed in the family until the end of the second world war.

The germans occupied the property during the war and part of the battle of the bulge took place on the grounds.

The property was reposessed by the National Railway company of Belgium and then housed sick and orphaned children until 1980.

After 1980 the property was abandoned and has since been sleated for demolition, coming after a number of offers to buy the property were either rejected or withdrawn.

Often a favorite place for urban exploration, the property had been damaged by fire and was collapsing, it was torn down and levelled in 2017.

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